Thursday, November 20, 2008

Kehidupan di Ronneby vs. Bolzano

Posting kali ini sengaja dibuat dalam bahasa Indonesia untuk menghindari kalo ada orang2 eropa yg tersinggung gara2 baca postingan ini. Walaupun ada kemungkinan mereka niat banget copy seluruh postingan ini buat diterjemahin si translator seperti Google language tool semoga saja mereka tak serajin itu :D Sepeti judulnya, kali ini saya coba bandingkan apa yang saya alami di Ronneby dibandingkan apa yg saya alami dulu di Bozano.

Meskipun kurang lebih sudah saya setahun di benua dingin ini tapi culture shock masih ada ketika masa2 awal tiba di Ronneby. hmm, mungkin lebih tepatnya bukan culture shock karena dgn culturenya sih more less sama. Mungkin lebih tepat kalau geographical shock.

Ronneby jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan Bolzano. Wilayah Swedia pada umumnya meskipun luas tetapi tidak banyak penghuninya menyebabkan jarang menemui keramaian apalagi di kota yang bernama Ronneby ini. Sama seperti shock ketika di Bolzano lama2 jadi dibetah2in di Ronneby. Sisi baiknya sih gak ada kemacetan dan kebisingan. Kota ini bener2 tenang buat belajar dan istirahat. Sisi buruknya adalah ketika belanja dimana mesti jalan ke kota yg cukup agak lama sekitar 15-20 menit yg kalau PP jadinya 30-40 menit. Mungkin lebih karena perjalanan pulang makan waktu lebih lama karena jalanan nanjak dan bawa belanjaan yg bisanya bikin ransel overload.

Kenapa overload? jawabannya sudah dijelaskan tadi. Karena ke kotanya jauh dan gak ada angkutan jadi mesti jalan kaki. Karena kotanya jauh jadi kalau cuaca sedang ngambek, perjalanan ke kota jadi cukup mengerikan. jadi belanjapun tidak bisa sesering ketika di Bolzano dulu. Belanja disini maksud saya adalah buat kebutuhan sehari2 seperti beras, sayur dan lauk-pauk. Sedangkan untuk belanja yg lain ditunda sampe bener2 butuh supaya banyak uang buat jalan2 dan keperluan lainnya :D

Suhu dan cuaca jadi momok buruk. Ada teman orang Swedia yg bahkan menyatakan kalau pulang malam yg ditakutkan adalah tidak ada angkutan sehingga mesti berjuang melawan suhu minus sampe ada angkutan lagi kesokan harinya. Di Bolzano juga dingin tetapi tidak ada angin yg kenceng dan karena asrama dan univnya di kota jadi tidak jauh kemana-mana.

Satu lagi yg mencolok Ronneby adalah susahnya mendapatkan bumbu2 asia. satu-satunya toko yg menjual bumbu asia adalah toko arab yg bumbu2nya tidak begitu "menggigit". jadinya mesti kuat makan berhambar-hambar ria di Ronneby. Atau kalo lagi gak beruntung masakannya terlalu asin. Bolzano cukup banyak toko2 yg menjual bumbu asia selatan dan ada satu toko yg menjual lengkap barang2 dari asia timur bahkan termasuk the legendary Indomie :D

Mengenai sesuatu yg berhubungan dengan kampus dan kuliah disini cukup berbeda dgn Bolzano karena cuma 4 mata kuliah tiap semester. Satu semester dibagi menjadi 2 learning period @ 2 bulan. Pembagian 1 semester menjadi 2 LP ini yg bikin seolah-olah kuliah disini padat. Karena tugas-tugas selalu ada tiap bulan. Beda dengan ketika di Bolzano dimana satu semester untuk 7-8 mata kuliah dan tidak dibagi menjadi learning period dimana semua kesibukan dan kehebohan adalah di akhir semester, menjelang dan ketika ujian. gak kebayang kalau di Bolzano juga diperlakukan learning period.

Perpustakaan di Ronneby atau BTH pada umumnya sangat bagus secara virtual. Maksudnya mereka punya koleksi ebook yg saya belum pernah cek apakah cukup lengkap atau tidak, tetapi koleksi journal dan database yg sangat sangat lengkap. Mencari paper dan artikel menjadi lebih mudah. Di Bolzano setahu saya masih kurang lengkap untuk sarana dan prasarana virtual ini. Tetapi perpustakaan di Bolzano ruangannya sangat nyaman dan tenang untuk belajar. Sedangkan disini perpustakaannya cenderung berisik. At least yg di Ronneby.

Akomodasi disini cukup bagus. Ada heating yg siap terus2an nyala. Suatu kemewahan yg tidak bisa dirasakan ketika di Bolzano dulu kecuali ketika di kampus. Kemewahan lain yg didapat adalah kebebasan dimana bisa lebih manusiawi dimana diperbolehkan membawa teman masuk pada saat suhu diluar sedang dingin. Sisi manusiawi yg saya dengar di asrama di Bolzano susah sangat dikurangi dengan peraturan. Sisi baik asrama di Bolzano adalah jaraknya yg sangat dekat kampus sehingga bisa sering pulang untuk sholat atau makan. Juga kehadiran cleaning lady yg cukup membantu terutama bagi saya yg malas bersih-bersih kamar.

Sisi buruk akomodasi disini adalah semua furniture mesti disediakan sendiri. Hal ini sudah saya coba penuhi dengan melobi sana sini supaya mau memberikan furniturenya ke saya walapaun beberapa furniture yg kata pemiliknya cukup bagus telah lenyap tak berbekas meskipun udah diberi label nama.

Demikian laporan perbadingan sampai saaat ini. ngantuk. tiiduur....

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pessimistic vs. Well-planned

My journey abroad (Europe & Asia) in the past one year brought me not only knowledge which are relevant to software engineering but also culture, religion and attitude. All these things not only came from the local residents but also from my countrymen I met for this one year journey.

Being one country origin with them doesn't make me know the way they think. Some of them I can understand and the rest I can't completely understand even after asking. Maybe because of European culture influences me in the end, not to mind their business even what they do are considered not quite right in my opinion. As long they don't interfere with my business, fine with me.

One of the thing that interests me is on money spending. This issue is for general people not just people from Indonesia. I've heard perhaps a hundreds time about the scholarship I got. "Ow you're very lucky to get a big amount of scholarship and you can travel throughout Europe with that". Most of them are more less like that.

Its not that I against traveling. Traveling is good it makes u see new places and experience new things. However, in my opinion even a positive activities have their limits. Having this scholarship and me being in Europe can make me extend this limit for traveling, shopping and other kind of activities, the good as well as the bad one :p For me having this resources doesn't me I have to always extend my limits on everything. I extend my limit in traveling but not too much. I've heard some of my friends complaining about the amount of money they have after doing a lot of traveling. This is little bit awkward to me cause they should think about it before they do it.

For me doing something which consumes resources could caused deep impact. Some called me over-thinking about what is going to happen or pessimistic. And only few people called me well-planned person. But for me having this kind of attitude is very beneficial. It saved me several time. Before I left for Europe I could use my saving to support me before I got the scholarship which came 3-months late. One of my friend claimed that he/she didn't have money for supporting his/her life in Europe if the scholarship late. It was surprising to me because his/her salary was like ten-times of my salary. It turned out that he/she spent all his money to have fun and make life happy. I didn't judge it. Its not my business. I just think that what I do is the best for me and what other do is the best for them.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Honest Rainbow

If I look up now for the rainbow I saw as a boy,
There are no longer the seven colors,
Only a mist and a fog…

As time passes by, and the world around me changes,
No matter where I search for you, you’re nowhere to be found.
So I close my eyes, and open my heart…

I need to know, If I gaze up again,
will things be different this time?
Maybe if I was more honest, the fog would fade away.
So I pray, screaming that wish deep within my soul

When you lose one thing,
You gain another, don’t you?
But still, no matter how often adults confuse us,
We’ll keep looking for the right way to live our lives.

--Honest Rainbow, Surface--

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Is this that blue days feel like?

Stranded in this blue and cold continent for almost a year has brought me memories when I spent times with my family and friends back home. I have lived far away from my family for around 7 years by now. But even so I always have time to come home in every year for around 2 weeks. It was always religious activities that put my closer to my family. Fasting Ramadhan and/or celebrating Idul Fitri. I always have days during Ramadhan which I spent with my family. Not always in the end of it. Last year I only had a week during Ramadhan with them.

I dont know why I become softer. In the old days I was reluctant to come back home for celebrating Idul Fitri which was my only moment to meet and live with my family in the whole year. Calling back home was also one of the thing I was reluctant to do. I remember when I didn't call home for weeks and my mom suddenly called me in the middle of the night asking how was I doing and I felt that she was missing me so much. At that time I didn't give to much attention for it. I never pay attention for those things.

Not until now. Realizing that I'm in a country that far far away from my family makes me feel sad these days. Especially now during Ramadhan month. Hmm maybe because right now I don't have much things to do since unclarity in my programme. The quiteness in this city. I knew that there are not much population in Sweden but I never thought it would be this quite. I went to Kallinge, a city north side of Ronneby, and I only saw less than 15 people there. Note that it was in the morning around 9 AM and not in the middle of the night.
Plus since in my apartment everything is included here fridge, kitchennete, wash dishes. Everything looks more "closed". I made an ifthar with some pakistani yesterday. it was fun. Maybe because I knew them in a short of time and they use pashtun language (I found out that there is one more language in pakistan besides urdu) almost all the time. Made me more realize how lonely I was.

But today unpredictably I met one Indonesian student right in my classroom. She was also a new student and told me that there are other 3 Indonesian students in BTH. I was quite surprised since the previous Indonesian student who came here last year didn't inform me that there are other Indonesian do I presumed that I was the only one.

I'm very happy I don't have to feel to much lonely now. The weather although it's cold won't bother much since my heating system works perfectly and I have Indonesians in Blekinge :)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Japan Trip Report

It was decided months before my summer break that I'm gonna spend my holidays in Japan. In fact before I came to europe I already wanna visit Japan.I applied monbusho scholarship last year but I forfeit since EM already accepted me. So after visa and ticket matters not forget the final exams strugling I went there to see some friends and her.
Few aspects I would like to tell about Japan. Those aspects are described below:

1. Heat and Humidity
Before I came to Japan, I thought it will be more less like europe since Japan is also in the northern hemisphere and it has 4 seasons too. So since I can survive summer in europe (at least Northern Italy and Germany) so in Japan I should be fine. It turned out that I was wrong. The temperature was hotter than Northern Italy or Germany. maybe it's the same in Southern Italy or Spain. And the humidity was also high. Maybe this is due to the distance with the pacific. The heat and humidity was quite depressing for me, made me lazy to come out.Last few weeks before I left, the temperature was quite moderate. Eventhough it was raining a lot but the temperature was much cooler which made it perfect for going out. Too bad it didn't last long since I had to leave :( So I think the best time to visit Japan is during the spring until the beginning of summer and in the end of summer until the end of autumn. A frind told me about this but I had no choice but to visit it in the middle of summer because that was the only available time I got in a year.

2. Education & Technology
Japan is famous for the technology and education quality. The education system was quite different from education system in Indonesia or in europe. In here for master study most of students, at least students that I know, must become research students before begin their real master. Before they get to Japan they must already have a professor, they called him/her sensei, to guide them during their studies in Japan. These senseis were giving them so much attention such that if his/her student didn't show up in the lab for one day they'll ask about it. They monitored their pupils very closely. This is good I think because it will help to stay focus and finish the study fast due to intense interactions.Japan is aldo one of the best country when it comes to technology. Some cool stuffs like electronics and robot are quite common. I saw a robot who can play a musical instrument made by toyota in Odaiba. Odaiba itself is an artiicial island made by compacted garbages. Quite creative idea in using garbage to create more space. The only kind of technology that disappointed me was the mobile phone technology. The reasone was my mobile phone can't cope with it so I couldn't use my mobile phone during my stay. Their mobile technology is more suitable in writing kanjis and other japansese alphabets like katakana and hiragana.

3. Life & Politeness
Life in Japan is relatively easier than in europe. First of all most of the prices are cheaper. The only things that I think was considered quite more expensive was the transportation. In europeans big cities it takes around 50-60 euros a month for transportation while in tokyo it can take up to 120 euros a month for transportation. Twice the price in europe. Second thing that made life easier in Japan is the train system. Japan has sophisticated train network. Going from one place to another is much more convinient and cheaper by train. Many people use it to commute everyday to their work or school. Third one is the kombini or convenient stores that open 24 hour/day and vending machines that available every 10 meters.
The politeness of Japanese was also quite high. The train officer bowed to the train passengers. when he pass the wagon. Although I don't understand Japanese language in details but in daily life most of the saying in trains, buses, stations and stores were saying with high politeness. At least it was quite polite for me.

4. Spirit & Hardwork.
These two can be seen in the stores and restaurants where the employees are speaking loudly offering their products. It can be considered noisy because they speak quite loudly and repeated very often. The Japanese works hard it can be seen that the stores open everyday and they go to work very early and go back to their home at late night. Even students do the same thing.

OK. That's all the report for Japan. Now I'min Ronneby, Sweden ready for next semester.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bye Bye Bozen

I fell like it was yesterday I arrived in this town. Wandering around with luggage trying to find Rainerum dormitory. But now 10 months have passed. Time to go to the next university. I'm little bit disappointed with the mark I got from this university. It is not too good. Hmm, maybe I didn't do much or maybe I already reach my limit. I did my best so I shouldn't think too much.

In the beginning I always asking why they put me in this place. I still don't like some part regarding this place. But one thing I like is the friends I made during my stay here. Friends to work on projects, during the classes, cooking and having dinner together every weekend, travelling around this continent and so on. Now I know why I was selected here. To meet this people and learn from them. For those who had been with me here, thank you very much.

Next semester will be different. New place, new environment and new challenge. Some I heard it is tough there. Hardwork is definitely needed.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Where did they actually all go?

A commercial about new music robot called Rolly from Sony attracted me. It was creative invention. The fact what this music robot can do surprises me. How did they get this unique idea. The fact that it was Sony was no surprise coz this japanese company is one of the leader in electronic industries. They invent walkman, AFAIK, and it become very popular electronic device which also inspired other portable music/mp3 player such as iPod.

The idea of this Rolly in my point of view is not too complicated. This robot moves and display lights according to the voices of the played music and it acts in a realtime way. This similar behavior actually has existed for few years. it is implemented in media player softwares such as Windows media player (WMP). the only different thing is in WMP the behavior is not manifested by moving your PCs or laptops, which is will be quite annoying if it does so, but by moving abstract images with many different colors also this movement and color changing are based on the current voice of the music. The only fancy idea that Sony implemented is how to transform this moving abstract images and changing colors into a robot movement. Again, this is just my opinion.

I wonder how many researches involved in this Rolly project. Although the basic idea of acting based on the music already existed but transforming it into robotic movement is not so easy. It could be a lot researches and patents used. Having some friends doing research in Japan makes me know what they are doing and where those researches results will go. AFATK the results will be patented and most probably will be used for industrial needs. Many industries in Japan could reap benefits of these results. And if it's patented than the one who hold the patent can also get some money

Unlike Japanese university's tradition which patented they researches result, this university is a big fans of opensource. Which means a lot of their researches results go for opensources aka free. Well at least that happens in my research group, afaik, especially the one that I have finished which is very tiny mini research :p Don't know why they don't patent may be because they are too rich or maybe they are a faithful follower of opensource and have motto "Human Knowledge Belong to The World".

I don't hate opensource. I kinda like it actually coz I'm not afford to buy very expensive softwares :D But people have to make money, right? And sometimes charging from support we offer for opensource products is not enough. So I can completely understand proprietary software and I won't accuse them as demon and so on. They're just trying to feed their families after all. But for endors that are too rich I think it is a nice attitude to share their knowledge through opensource like google and IBM.

What a post. from Robot, sony until google and IBM. Weird. Ok It's late, just came back from library and it's 1.30 am. Ow here are the commercial of Rolly.

PS. I still dont know how to embed youtube video in blogspot :P

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Beyond Tomorrow

What happen when all of these days are over? No more classes, projects and researches. In other word what would happen when I'm no longer a student? I tried to answer this question before I decided to come here. Becoming a lecturer? Surrender to the mighty Jakarta and become an employee who work overtime everyday? Continue to live a peaceful but less money and prestige life in Bandung or a small town? Stay here and take PhD? Find a job here?

After all this long I still can't answer the question with 100% confidence. I was lucky I'm not bounded to any contract that makes me have to do something after all of these days are over. Some said it's good coz I can do what ever i want some said it's bad coz no certainty in the future.
A friend of mine who is very "singapore", at least in my opinion suggest me to work there. it's a nice country, near Indonesia, lots of opportunities, and so on and so forth. For a person like me coming back to Indonesia sometimes is considered as suicide. because what we have usually will not be applied not enough award, in this case salary. Not always maybe some are useful. Another solution when coming back is become lecturer where we can share our knowledge to others. A noble reason.

However teaching is something I'm not quite fond of, at least until now. I had taught last few years although not as official lecturer. And I don't enjoy it much. A friend who used to be want to be lecturer told me that the reason he wanted to be a lecturer was because the money that can e gained. Lecturer's salary is not much but from the projects would make a lecturer a millionaire.

I notice this fact. I had been working with several lecturers before and what they get can surpass what those Jakartan employees get. But not all lecturers do this. I know one lecturer who refused to do so because he didn't want to neglect his students for money and projects. A noble reason :) I wish Allah will always give him enough wealth for his family. Therefore I don't wanna be a lecturer, at least until now.

So what's gonna be? What's really gonna happen is still unknown. Perhaps during this journey of time I'll find the answer. maybe just find a job here, find a wife, get married and when experiences are enough come home to Indonesia to live in a small and peaceful city until my Creator wants me back. What a life. Like Google said "Life is Good".

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Comparative Study

After one semester has passed and the result of most exams some out. I tried to compare this university and my previous one. Before I left Indonesia I knew that I have this university for my first year. I did some research about this university. It's quite young university established in 1997. And the faculty of computer science was established in 2002. There are huge difference in term of age between this university and my previous one. My previous one officially is around 35 years old but unofficially it's way older than that. I got an offer to pursue master degree in my previous university but I rejected it. Many reasons why I did that and I'm not gonna explain them here.
Because I didn't have other choices so I took the offer and here I am stranded in the middle of no where with lots of assignments and courses. First couple of months I did not like being here because of the courses and everything related to the university. And in the next months it even worse especially during the projects and exams sessions. So many workloads. My friends who are also studying here was surprised knowing how many courses I took for one semester. "That is too much, just to pass them all won't be easy.", He said. He had bad experience taking too many courses. He took 7 courses and failed 4 of them. He thought it would be like his bachelor back home but it wasn't. having 7-8 courses per semester was quite common in my bachelor. But not in here.
I've heard about all of this horrible condition about universities in Europe. After having one semester then I know. No wonder many people usually take 5-6 courses per semester. It's difficult just to pass the exam. I need 60% of total mark just to pass one course while back then I can have B for having 60% of total mark. And if I got 60% here I only got D. Hmm, at first I thought it would be easy but it's not that easy.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

That day finally has arrived

After long period of waiting finally that day has arrived. The announcement for second year university. It was pretty scary waiting the moment of truth. I knew the day was close from other students of other universities that was informed about their 2nd universities. Some were happy some were not. I am sorry for those who don't get 2nd university as what they want. But life is unfair.
The moment of truth was this afternoon just after I hung up phone. And when I opened the email this amazing message said "Your second university is BTH". Yes, I'm going to Sweden next semester. Happy? Yes. Too happy? No. After getting this university as my first university I tried to think that all universities are good. This is to prevent further disappointment. It will be a very pity if I feel disappointed all the time. But luckily they gave me what I put as my first preference. Thank you :) After this several plans can be composed because those plans are difficult to figure if I don't know what is my second university. This is more related to the schedule that each university has for academic year.
I hope I can do better there in the future. For those who don't get what they want don't worry. A beautiful future lies ahead for all of us.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

One Semester is Over

Today, February the 21st 2008, is my final exam for this semester. After 3.5 months of classes and over 1 month of exams this semester has ended. 7 courses, 12 weekly evaluations, 7 weekly assignments, 3 portfolios, 3 projects, 3 presentations, and 9 exams including 1 midterm exam colored this semester.
Most of the hecticness of this semester started on December 30th after I came back from Paris and ended today. I feel relieved after this but on the other side I still feel disappointed caused I didn't put much effort for this semester. I was swayed by my past, I think. The good news is I am not alone. Pinky also told me he has the same problem. It's always good to have someone as a company :D
Hopefully the result is nice. I hope I didn't fail any subject. Just to pass the subject is quite difficult for me. Unlike my bachelor that only required 1-2 days of study or even less than 24 hours study to pass the subject. I must say I didn't prepare well for this semester. Well the next one must be increased. After all learning is what I'm doing now. And learning means there is increment time after time. If I get good marks in the beginning then I would have nothing to learn. Am I right? Hmm, maybe this is more related to learning the process rather than learning the materials.
One more thing. There are no holidays after the exams :( I envy many of my friends who have holidays after exams. For me it's just 3 days off and two of them are saturday and sunday. I wouldn't call those days as holidays because I still have to work on my master project during those days :( Next semester will be 8 courses and only 3 days off for easter and skip two days for snowdays :D Hmm those numbers promise lack of spare times and tons of tasks. Please help me God by putting me to a better 2nd university.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Boulevard of Broken Dreams

What could be worse than disappointment? All efforts, pray and struggles seemed worth nothing in front of it. It is very painful knowing that we took part as a person who helped breaking those dreams. How many times I did that? The answer was deceptively simple. "I lost counts".
There were some breaking that were meant for those who broke my dreams. There were some that were not suppose to happen. I never feel sorry for the first one. Maybe because I'm avenger type person. But the last ones always make me feel bad and guilty as charged.
Overall I did the last ones with appropriate reasons. At least that was what my friends said. And those who I let disappointed said they can understand and said "It was not your fault. I would do the same thing if I were you". May God has mercy on me.
For those who I let disappointed, you know who you are, I can only wish you a very good life. Prosperous and happy life with no more disappointments. And may your efforts and prays return a good result one day.
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