Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Last Days in a Place I Called Home for The Last 6 Years

I remember it just like it happened yesterday. My first step in Bandung, my first step in a place I called home. It was pretty scary at the time. I was expecting it would be more less like my house in my hometown. It turned out that i was wrong. The entrance was and still is a narrow alley right next to a big house which I thought it was the place.
Honestly it was shocking look instead of an awe look. Awe look was when I stared at ITB campus. It was impressive at the first look. But for this house there was no awe look at all. The first thing I thought after I arrived was to get home as soon as possible. I could manage my feeling by visiting campus frequently and stare at those buildings and just wandering around campus.
Amazing, After six years I feel I'm gonna miss this house more than I'm gonna miss campus. Perhaps all of those disappointments make me less missing campus. But I definitely gonna miss several people in it. My kamerads. I'll talk about this guys next time.
Even I only rent a room in this place but I felt more like home. I only spent not more than 2 weeks a year at my parent's and I spent the rest of the year here. Lots of things happened. Remembering those things makes me smile. All those laughs, all those suffers, all those days, all those nights, all of those bad times, all of those good times, all of those guys :) Remembering that I'm gonna leave this place behind makes me sad. But I'll sad even more if I don't take this chance. Sooner or later this moment will come.
I've seen lots of people come and go in this house. I call this home "Home of Gandokers Brotherhood" :D They all scattered across the country. It was nice being with them. It was nice spending time with them. Somehow I believe it's not a coincidence for us to gather at this house. Share happiness and sadness :) It has been a pleasure and honor to me living with u guys. Tanoshikata desu. Sayonara...


sunett said...

when will you leave? i thought u'll stay until end of august... still plenty time left, then :D

thus be ready to be a semi-maden person for the next 2 years :D

Anonymous said...

yup, I've been there before.. but believe me, everything's gonna be alrite ;)

When a person desires something, all universe conspire to help her/him pursue her/his dream... (from the Alchemist -- Paulo Coelho)

you know what! i'm so jelaous of you!! :D

Buona Fortuna! ^^

ted said...

wah siap-siap lah dengan menganggap semua tempat adalah rumah mu :D

kita bertemu di paris taun baru nanti ....halah ..kamu di mana aku di mana ...:D

Unknown said...

Netta: I'm thinking to accelerate my staying here for some reasons.

Tetty: I'm jealous of u too :D

Sandy: Memang harus mulai belajar nyaman di segala tempat nih

Unknown said...

Sandy: Summer tahun depan mungkin aku maen ke Tokyo. bantuin buat dapetin visa Jepang ya ;)

Gumi Angga said...

dimana bumi dipijak, disitu langit dijunjung...

ted said...

mungkin summer depan aku ke europe :D halah .. trus kita ketemu nya gimana dong

Unknown said...

Sandy: Gpp deh kita gak bisa ketemu yg penting aku dapet visa Jepang aja :D Ntar ketemu siapa kek di Jepang :))

Fery said...

selamat menempuh hidup baru ya bay, di rumah yg baru, lingkungan yg baru, dan teman2 yg baru..

keep in touch!

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