Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Confused Englishman or Confused me?

Few days ago I received letter from University of Reading informing that I got accepted as a student there. Quite confusing, I thought they didn't put me in the student list since I told them that without scholarship it would be impossible for me to attend the course. And I wasn't in the scholarship list.
I felt reluctant to contact them because I thought, I already knew the answer. This afternoon I thought that it would be nice if I ask him whether the university can defer the offer till next year. Meanwhile I'll seek to secure my funding there. So I sent email to the postgraduate officer tell him that I'm gonna working on chevening this year however the fund won't be available till next year, if I get that lucky. He told me that he can make that kind of deferment. It was quite surprising, I thought it will be a strict rule for this kind of condition.
Then I asked him again what should I do to complete the deferment procedure. He said that sending him an email would be enough and when I heard some news from chevening I should contact him at once. This only applies for good news :D And he said again if I didn't get that good news than I should make completely new application for next year.
Doh, didn't I make myself clear enough in the first email. I told him clearly that the funds available next year and that only happens if I get lucky. Does this mean that not all europeans are smart so there'll be no different between them and us? I was right at the first place. I already knew the answer :D Well then I know one thing for sure that this one has to go as well. So bye bye Reading....

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